Call for Abstract

6th World Congress on Patient Safety, Health Care and Well-being, will be organized around the theme “”

Patient Safety Congress 2024 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Patient Safety Congress 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Primary Healthcare is the extremely important first care that is based on scientifically well-done and universally acceptable methods and technology, which make health care easy to get to people and families in a community. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) is a standardized tool for understanding and analysing information on interventions in primary care by the reason for the patient visit. Driven by population magnification and aging, the total number of office visits to primary care medicos is projected to increment from 462 million in 2008 to 565 million in 2025. Primary care also includes many basic mother-based and child health care services, such as family planning services and vaccinations. Comprehensive Primary care is an approach to health care that highlights social justice, equity, community control and social change.

Patient safety is an essential part of nursing care that aims to prevent avoidable errors and patient harm. Patient safety is a feature of a healthcare system and a set of tested ways for improving care. A human factors approach is key to safer healthcare. It will become part of the core curricula of all health professionals. A human factors approach to patient safety starts with an understanding of the things that support or hinder the way people work.

Home care services is a system of care gave by skilled specialists to patients in their homes under the bearing of a doctor. Home medicinal services administrations incorporate nursing care; physical, word related, and discourse dialect treatment; and restorative social administrations. The objectives of home care services administrations are to assist people to enhance work and live with more independence; with promoting the customer's ideal level of prosperity; and to help the patient to stay at home, maintaining a strategic distance from hospitalization or admission to long-term care foundations. Doctors may elude patients for home social insurance administrations, or the administrations might be asked for by relatives or patients.


Medication errors (wrong medication, wrong measurement, wrong patient or course of organization) are a noteworthy reason for inpatient dreariness and mortality. Doctor prescribed medication is far reaching, complex, and progressively dangerous. Clinicians have entry to an armamentarium of more than 10,000 professionally prescribed drugs, and about 33% of grown-ups in the United States take at least 5 medicines. Progresses in clinical therapeutics have without a doubt brought about real upgrades in wellbeing for patients with numerous ailments; however these advantages have likewise been joined by expanded dangers. An Adverse Drug Event (ADE) is characterized as damage experienced by a patient as a consequence of introduction to a solution, and ADEs represent about 700,000 crisis division visits and 100,000 hospitalizations every year. ADEs influence almost 5% of hospitalized patients, making them a standout amongst the most widely recognized sorts of inpatient blunders; wandering patients may encounter ADEs at much higher rates. Moves in care are additionally an all-around archived wellspring of preventable mischief identified with medicines.


Surgical care has been a vital segment of human services worldwide for over a century. As the occurrences of traumatic wounds, malignancies and cardiovascular infection keep on rising, the effect of surgical intercession on general wellbeing frameworks will keep on growing.


Surgery is frequently the main treatment that can mitigate inabilities and diminish the danger of death from normal conditions. Consistently, a huge number of individuals experience surgical treatment, and surgical mediations represent an expected 13% of the world's aggregate handicap balanced life years (DALYs).


Medicines are utilized to treat infectious diseases, oversee side effects of constant infections, and help relieve pain and suffering. Medications are by and large safe when utilized as endorsed or as their naming portrays. There are, be that as it may, chances in taking any solution.


Every year in the United States, adverse drug events-damage coming about because of the utilization of prescription-result in more than 700,000 visits to doctor's facility crisis divisions. Numerous unfavourable medication occasions are preventable. Patients and parental figures can diminish the danger of damage from pharmaceuticals by finding out about drug security.


Blood safety includes activities went for guaranteeing that everybody has access to blood and blood products that are as sheltered as could be allowed, accessible at sensible cost, satisfactory to address the issues of patients, transfused just when vital, and gave as a major aspect of a supportable blood program inside the current human services system. WHO suggests that all blood donations ought to be screened for contaminations preceding use. Screening ought to be required for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis. Blood screening ought to be performed by quality framework necessities.


81% blood screening laboratories in high-pay nations are observed through outside quality evaluation plans, when contrasted with 55% in centre wage nations and 34 % in low-salary nations. The commonness of transfusion-transmissible contaminations (TTI) in blood donations in high-salary nations is significantly lower than in low-and centre wage nations.


Patient Safety is characterized as the quest for the lessening and moderation of perilous acts inside the medicinal services framework, and the utilization of best practices appeared to prompt to ideal patient results." There are various aspects of patient security, and it's imperative that everybody required in patient wellbeing, including patients, their families, and social insurance experts, know about the issues, relief procedures, and best practices for guaranteeing persistent security for everybody.

A definition for patient safety has risen up out of the health care quality development that is similarly unique, with different ways to deal with the more solid crucial parts. Patient safety was characterized as "the avoidance of damage to patients." Emphasis is put on the arrangement of care conveyance that anticipates blunders; gains from the mistakes that do happen; and is based on a culture of security that includes human services experts, associations, and patients. Patient safety hones have been characterized as "those that decrease the danger of antagonistic occasions identified with presentation to medicinal care over a scope of analyses or conditions.

The resistant machine is a number security machine that comprises of various natural frameworks and methods in a disorder guarded living being. Immunology is a different and creating region that might be portrayed on the grounds that the see of the instruments of host guards in regards to tissues, cells and particles. Immunologists endeavor to perceive the personality of the safe machine, how the approach safeguards itself towards defilement and what happens while the entire situation is going.

   Bodily and chemical barriers

·  Non-precise innate responses

·  Specific adaptive responses


Resistant framework infections sire unusually low effort or over effort of the framework. Treatment for immune system conditions for the most part centers around decreasing framework effort. The platelets inside the body's framework help cover against perilous substances. These substances contain antigens. The framework produces antibodies against these antigens that empower it to obliterate these hazardous substances.