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Visanth V.S

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, India

Title: Protocol development on Evidence-based guidelines for management of signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children


Biography: Visanth V.S


Respiratory tract infections in children are one of the most common reasons for parents consulting health professionals. Nurses have an important role in managing children with RTIs. Nurses are the first healthcare professional to come into contact with children and their parents in their hospital setup. Management of RTIs will enable the nurse practitioner to manage RTI. The objective of the need assessment is to assess the knowledge of care givers regarding management of signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children and prepare the evidence-based guidelines for RTIs. Study among 10 nursing officers working in pediatric ward of AIIMS Patna. Structured interview schedule was administered to collect the data. For developing evidence-based guidelines, systematic review was done to know the pathway to manage the signs and symptoms of RTIs in children revealed that majority of nursing officers 60% had poor knowledge, 30% had average knowledge and 10% had good knowledge regarding signs and symptoms of RTI in children. Based on the results, i.e. situational analysis and systematic review evidence-based guidelines for management of signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection in children developed. Clinical practice Guidelines are systematically developed statements of appropriate care designed to assist staff nurses to make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Evidence-based nursing practice is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. KEY WORDS: -RTI, EBP, Knowledge, guidelines.